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Small Industrial Motor Sirens:



LK-MCL      LK-CL      LK-SCL     LK-MX


LK-MW10N   LK-MW10R  LK-CT      LK-SCT


LK-JDW105   LK-SV      LK-SV-2    LK-SW  


 Industrial motor siren are suitable for duty cycle and not for continuous operation.they produce a single tone sound and reach their specified operating frequency quickly.
 A single sound is very effective,But can be easily accustomed to and looses its effectiveness after a short time:to improve the sound output a modulated or intermittent tone can be obtained by using a modulator
 To select the correct product to be installed the sound spectrum of the siren must be superimposed upon the sound spectrum of the ambient noise.differential db level and differential frequencies hz are therefore immediately recongized



mainly used in Various industrial environments,such as factory buildings,workshops,warehouses,mining industry,etc